IRF and diffuse emission


The parameters sarfile, edpfile, and psdfile provide the names of the three calibration files. These files are described in detail in other documents, and are provided with the distribution. They are FITS files whose common prefix specifies the filter and event type used and whose suffixes are .sar.gz, .edp.gz and .psd.gz, respectively. Ordinarily, they should not be changed by the user. The parameter expcorrfile provides a correction factor as a function of off-axis angle for older calibration files. It should not be changed by the user.

Diffuse emission

Procedure generate and maps

0. Load the environment

Enter into the Agilepy Docker container.

docker exec -it agilepy-1.7.0 bash -l
    cd $AGILE/scripts/dispconv/

1. Get the repositories

It is better to work directly on the official git repositories. To get them:

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Remember the naming convention for the various projects:

  • AG_SKY: <emin>_<emax>.<sky>.sky.gz

  • AG_SKY_CONV: <emin>_<emax>.<sky>.S<filter>_<matrix>

  • AG_SKY_DISPCONV: <emin>_<emax>.<sky>.S<filter>_<matrix>

NOTE: The substring <sky> identifying a new sky map has to be like ‘SKY002’, for old ones <sky> is ‘0.1’ or ‘0.5’ depending on the binning. The following scripts work with both naming conventions.

2. Choose the AG_IRF you want to use

The standard procedure is to install your chosen IRF in the standard path $AGILE/model/scientific_analysis/data.

cd ~/AG_IRF/<matrix>
make install

Example: Install the H0025 matrix

cd ~/AG_IRF/H0025
make install

NOTE: If you don’t want to install them, you can use the -d option in the following scripts.

3. Work on a new AG_SKY_CONV directory

Create a new output directory inside AG_SKY_CONV, with the given naming and run the next script from there.

mkdir -p AG_SKY_CONV/<sky>_<matrix>
cd AG_SKY_CONV/<sky>_<matrix>


mkdir -p ~/AG_SKY_CONV/SKY002_H0025
cd ~/AG_SKY_CONV/SKY002_H0025

4. Generate maps

Command: [ options ... ] <sky map> ...
  • -h: print help

  • -m MATRIX: matrix to use

  • -f FILTER: filter to use

  • -d PATH: model data path

  • -i INDEX: the spectral index

Default options: -m H0025 -f FMG -d $AGILE/model/scientific_analysis/data -i 2.0

NOTE: The makeconv scripts generate the maps in the current path.

Example: Convolution of SKY002 with the H0025 matrix installed, FMG filter, and 2.0 as the index

~/ -m H0025 -f FMG ~/AG_SKY/SKY002/*.gz

Example2: Same as above, but using the load leveler and reporting tasks completion

~/ -m H0025 -f FMG -u ~/AG_SKY/SKY002/*.gz

Grab a coffee, it is going to take a while. Eventually, you can add the generated maps into the AG_SKY_CONV repository:

git add *
git commit

5. Work on a new AG_SKY_DISPCONV directory

Create a new output directory inside AG_SKY_DISPCONV, with the given naming and run the next script from there.

mkdir -p AG_SKY_DISPCONV/<sky>_<matrix>
cd AG_SKY_DISPCONV/<sky>_<matrix>


mkdir -p ~/AG_SKY_DISPCONV/SKY002_H0025

6. Copy the convolution map file listing

In order to generate the maps, you need the .in file generated with the script.

cp AG_SKY_CONV/<sky>_<matrix>/AG_add_diff.<sky>.S<filter>_<matrix>.in ./


cp ~/AG_SKY_CONV/SKY002_H0025/ ./

7. Generate maps

Command: [ options ... ]

This script searches for a file .in in the current directory and generates a for each defined in the .in. To use different energy ranges, see the -r option.

  • -h: print help

  • -d PATH: model data path

  • -n EMIN_STRING: additional user-defined emin energies

  • -x EMAX_STRING: additional user-defined emax energies

Default options: -d $AGILE/model/scientific_analysis/data

NOTE: The makedisp script generates the maps in the current path.

Example: Default generation with one for each generated before.


Example2: Generate additional given the user-defined ranges: (100 400) (100 1000) (100 10000) (100 50000) (200 50000) (400 3000) (400 10000) (400 50000) (1000 50000) (3000 50000)

~/ -n "100 100 100 100 200 400 400 400 1000 3000" -x "400 1000 10000 50000 50000 3000 10000 50000 50000 50000"

You can add the generated maps into the AG_SKY_DISPCONV repository:

git add *
git commit